How to play 7 up 7 down card game

How to play 7 up 7 down card game

How to play 7 up 7 down card game

May 3, 2021  Authorbaji88

7 Up 7 Down is a four members trick-taking card game. It's essentially an Americanized version of the All Fours Card Game. The Seven-Up Seven-Down game, also known as "Old Sledge," has the advantage of being easily adapted to four players in two fixed partnerships, or play it like a card game with three players, with each player playing for himself.

Game Rules

  • You're expected to follow the suit if the trump is led.
  • If a simple suit is led, you have the option of following suit or playing a trump.
  • You can play something if you can't follow suit; you don't have to trump in.
Points are awarded in the following order:
  • High: This is awarded to the player who has been dealt the highest trump in the game.
  • Low: This is awarded to the player who is dealt the lowest trump in the game. In a trick, it doesn't matter who wins the card. The player or team who was dealt the lowest trump in that hand receives a point.
  • The player/side who wins the Jack of Trumps in a Trick earns this point.
  • Game: The player/side with the highest tally of valuable cards receives this point.
  • A game point is awarded to the player or team who has won the most Kings, Queens, Jacks, Aces, and Tens.
  • The following cards have a particular tally value for awarding game points:
    Cards: K Q J A 10
    Value:3 2 1 4 10
  • At the end of the game, each player must count how many Kings, Queens, Jacks, Aces, and 10s they have, assign their respective values to them, and announce their total. Game Point is awarded to the team/player with the highest count.
  • Seven Up Seven Down is a game that is played over many hands for a total of seven points.